Make October 2024

the month you improve your EXECUTIVE PRESENCE!

In this Bootcamp, you will:

1. Elevate Your Leadership Communication Skills: self-awareness, precision, and listening

2. Establish Your Professional Identity: controlling your narrative and reinforcing your ideal unique personal brand

3. Demonstrate Leadership: highlight specific opportunities where you can focus and get traction as a leader

4. Communicate with Impact: strategies to maximize your leadership impact

All this in ONE MONTH? How?

3 Ways this Bootcamp is Unique

1.) You’ll be guided step-by-step by Dr. Andrea Wojnicki, a Harvard-educated executive communication coach.

2.) This is a comprehensive learning opportunity with immediate tactical outcomes! You will learn essential strategies in identifying and articulating your professional identity and personal brand. These skills will serve you immediately and propel your career ongoing.

3.) No more reading articles and attending boring webinars! This is live, hands-on, real-time, small-group interactive coaching. This bootcamp is focused and inspiring. You will receive customized advice and also learn from others. You will be held accountable, and you will make real change that you're proud of!

Andrea Wojnicki DBA, MBA

Dr. Andrea Wojnicki is a renowned executive communication coach, speaker and podcaster. She earned her Doctorate of Business Administration from Harvard Business School, where her research focused on consumer psychology and interpersonal communication.

Over the course of her career, Andrea taught in the MBA program at Rotman, she worked in brand management, and she served on several boards. Her energetic style has made her a sought-after speaker and coach on topics such as communicating with confidence, demonstrating leadership, body language, and the power of personal branding.

Andrea created Talk About Talk to help ambitious executives catapult their careers by improving their communication skills through 1-on-1 coaching, corporate workshops, and online courses. She also shares her thought leadership as an Inc. magazine columnist and as the host of the popular bi-weekly “Talk About Talk” podcast, with over 150 episodes and counting.

Andrea is dedicated to helping individuals and organizations achieve their full potential through the power of effective communication. Improved communication skills means elevated confidence, credibility, and ultimately - impact.

This 1-month intensive online group coaching bootcamp includes:

1. Four live small group Personal Branding coaching sessions with Dr. Andrea Wojnicki.

Wednesday, October 9 at noon ET

Wednesday, October 16 at noon ET

Wednesday, October 23 at noon ET

Wednesday, October 30 at noon ET

2. Access to the “5 Steps to Nail your Personal Brand” online course.

• 10 instructional videos that you can pause and re-play
• your Personal Branding template
• a comprehensive, printable course workbook to guide and organize the development of your Personal Brand
• practical checklists and quizzes to help you track your progress.

3. 24/7 access to the Next Level Executive Presence Bootcamp virtual community for the month of October 2024. 

• this is a private forum where we will ask Qs, support each other, and hold each other accountable as we build our personal brands

What others have to say

“I highly recommend Andrea for anyone who wants to nail their personal brand and learn how to communicate it to the world. The process Andrea created unlocked my confidence to share who I am, what I care about, and most importantly how I can help clients. The best part was I think Andrea was genuinely more excited about my success than I am. She is truly in my corner, cheering me on."

Lindsey Boyle, Founder, Circular Citizen

Thank you for such a valuable bootcamp, it was SO helpful to have your guidance and I’m excited to apply what I have learned! You are an incredible coach - so supportive, warm, and generous with your wisdom that always delivered so efficiently and on-point. I’ll continue to rave and recommend you!

Frances Karandy, Brand & Market Research Leader

“I highly recommend the Talk about Talk Personal Branding Bootcamp. As the faces of their respective organizations, all of our CEOs/founders participate in Andrea's program. Each CEO/founder leaves the Bootcamp more confident and focusedAndrea is an impressive coach that will help you move forward." 

Richard Millunchick, BAMco Enterprises LLC.

“Incredibly empowering sessions - teaching you to identify and embrace your uniqueness whilst learning how to harness these attributes as your own personal super power. ... Andrea is a highly motivating and engaging facilitator and if you get the chance to work with her, seize it with both hands!”

Lorna Mode, Chief of Staff, Global Financial Advisory, Deloitte

Andrea provided me with the structure, the tools and the insight into my personal brand that enhanced my level of communication confidence. I strongly recommend hiring Andrea if you are looking to take your communication skills and your business to a level that only can be achieved when you surround yourself with talented, caring and extremely smart people.” 

Michael Zammit, Family Wealth Advisor


Four LIVE small group Personal Branding coaching sessions with Dr. Andrea Wojnicki
  • Wednesday, Oct 9 at noon ET
  • Wednesday, Oct 16 at noon ET
  • Wednesday, Oct 23 at noon ET
  • Wednesday, Oct 30 at noon ET

Access to the “5 Steps to Nail your Personal Brand” online course

• 10 instructional videos that you can pause and re-play

• Your Personal Branding template.

• A comprehensive, printable course workbook to guide and organize the development of your Personal Brand

• Practical checklists and quizzes to help you track your progress

PLUS: 24/7 access to the Next Level Executive Presence Bootcamp virtual community for the month of October 2024

• This is a private forum where we will ask Qs, support each other, and hold each other accountable as we build our personal brands


Pricing & details:

FAQs - Frequently Asked Qs

Q: Who is this bootcamp for?
This bootcamp is for senior executives and highly ambitious mid-level executives who are ready to take their communication and their performance to the next level. If you have a growth mindset and you're hungry to learn and establish executive presence, this bootcamp is for you.

Q: When are the live coaching sessions?
A: There are 4 live group online coaching sessions:
  • Wednesday, Oct 9 at noon ET
  • Wednesday, Oct 16 at noon ET
  • Wednesday, Oct 23 at noon ET
  • Wednesday, Oct 30 at noon ET

Q: What will I learn from this bootcamp?
A: Generally, the objective of this bootcamp is to teach you the fundamentals to help you establish your credibility and executive presence. Specifically, you will learn to elevate your leadership communication, establish your professional identity, demonstrate leadership, and communicate with impact.

Q: Is the personal branding bootcamp a pre-requisite for this bootcamp?
A: It is recommended but not necessary that you take the personal branding bootcamp first. The personal branding online course is included in this“Executive Presence for Leaders” bootcamp. 

Q: What if I cannot attend the live coaching sessions or bonus Q&A sessions? 
A: All of the coaching sessions will be recorded and bootcamp participants will be provided with a private link to access these sessions.

Q: Is there homework between the live workshops?
A: Yes, in order to maximize our productivity, you will be assigned homework between the workshops. Two hours is all you will need to spend each week. Some people like to spend more on this rewarding work, but 2 hours is sufficient.