Personalized Deliverables

Create your unique, customized personal branding template, a digital 8.5x11 page with your 12-15 unique themes

Learn to control your narrative by articulating your expertise, your passions, & your superpowers

Optimize your LinkedIn profile with best practices and integrating your new personal brand

What's Included

Private coaching

Four 1-on-1 private 1 hour virtual coaching sessions with Dr. Andrea Wojnicki 

Access to the online course 

“5 Steps to Nail your Personal Brand”, including 10+ videos and a comprehensive workbook with quizzes, frameworks and notes to help you follow along

Flexible schedule

Weekly or bi-weekly sessions to fit your schedule

Meet Your Coach

Dr. Andrea Wojnicki MBA, DBA

Dr. Andrea Wojnicki earned her Doctorate of Business Administration from Harvard Business School, where her research focused on consumer psychology and interpersonal communication. Over the course of her career, Andrea taught in the MBA program at the University of Toronto, she worked in brand management, and she served on several boards. 

Andrea created Talk About Talk to help ambitious executives catapult their careers by improving their communication skills through 1:1 coaching, corporate workshops, and online courses. She also shares her thought leadership as an Inc. magazine columnist, as a Top Personal Branding Voice on LinkedIn, and as the host of the popular “Talk About Talk” podcast, with over 150 episodes and counting.

Invest in Your Future

4 Exclusive private coaching sessions

One-on-one expert guidance from Dr. Andrea Wojnicki.

Customized branding framework

Tailored strategies, a unique branding template, and a fully optimized LinkedIn profile.

Transformative professional growth

Elevate your personal brand and accelerate your career success.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the coaching schedule flexible?

Yes, this is customized coaching! The coaching sessions will be scheduled weekly or bi-weekly to accommodate your needs. 

What if I'm not happy with the results?

We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you're not fully satisfied, we'll work with you to make it right.

Do I need any special software or materials?

No, all you need is a computer and internet connection. Andrea will provide you with the coaching materials and templates digitally.

Ready to Transform Your Personal Brand?

Book your spot now as spaces are limited

Schedule a call

Let's discuss your goals and how I can help

Develop your brand

Unlock your unique potential through personalized coaching

Achieve success

Elevate your professional presence and unlock new opportunities